school closures : NS Provincial plow tracker app to help determine when roads will be cleared : How the roads are cleared and salted :
Standards for snow removal
- 100 Series, trunk highways, and other high traffic roads
- cleared within 8 hours after snow stops
- Secondary roads, and other medium traffic roads
- cleared within 12 hours after snow stops
- Local paved roads, most subdivisions, and residential streets
- cleared within 24 hours after snow stops
- Gravel roads
- cleared within 24 hours after snow stops
Not appropriate to telephone the landlord while still snowing to demand snow plows
Plow trackers
Garden season
Get your vege patch in a community garden, even if you cannot have a vege patch at home
drag this corner of the map to enlarge ↑
Electricity is supplied by Nova Scotia Power
: NSPower recommend requesting power connection or disconnection 10 days prior to the moving date, to allow them time to schedule and complete the work.
When requesting a connection ensure the main switch is off, so that stoves, machinery, or other electric devices don't start as soon as the power is turned on and cause a fire. NS Power will not turn on the power unless the main is turned off, and check the breakers from the meter.
Current conditions, rates, fees, and charges, are available on the web and by telephone. Contact Nova Scotia Power at their web site or Telephone 800 428 6230
Dockrey Apartments properties are cabled for
Eastlink Telephone, and Digital Cable, HiSpeed Internet.
Contact Eastlink for connection at their website or telephone 888 345 1111 Eastlink TV Guide
aliant Telephone, and Digital Cable, HiSpeed Internet (see note:1)
Contact aliant for connection at their website or telephone 800 688 9811. Aliant TV Guide
note:1 aliant FibreOp may not be available at all properties. Enquire at aliant for the address
There are bundles for connection to more than one service, and special offers, from all service providers.
Tenants must seek written permission of the landlord to make any alteration or addition to cable wiring.
Tenants signed appendix which includes "the tenant may not make any hole in any wall floor ceiling or surface, or cause any other person to do so."
Dockrey apartments properties are accessible to the limits of construction. Kathryn & Rob Dockrey invite all inquiry from any interested person, and any vacant, or vacating property is available for inspection. Please contact our till 9pm Atlantic Time 7 days. English, French, Anglais, Francais, translation, appartement, apartment, apartments, apt, apts, rent, rental, lease, Amherst, Truro, New brunswick, space, bed, bedroom, and living room, tourism, nova scotia, accomodation, map, job, search, jobsearch, guide, job, directions, resident, residents, residential, residential tenancies, tenant, tenants, tenancy, search, floor plan, maps, FaQ, frequently asked questions, shared accomodation, news feed, news, feed. Dockrey Apartments portal for tenants and home seekers in Nova Scotia Canada. Local guides for Towns in Nova Scotia, English, French, Anglais, Francais, translation, appartement, apartment, for rent, apartments, rent, rental, lease, Amherst, truro, new brunswick, tourism, nova scotia, amherst, truro, accomodation, map, job, search, jobsearch, guide, directions, resident, residents, residential, residential tenancies, tenant, tenants, tenancy, search, floor plan, Nova Scotia, Canada, pictures, floor plans, maps, addresses, FaQ, frequently sked questions, shared accomodation, news feed, news, feed
Dockrey apartments tenant portal.
Apartments for rent in Amherst and Truro Nova scotia Canada.
Property rules. Tenant guides and utilities.
Photograph tour of property for rent.
Frequently asked questions.
Links to local business.
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